
Thursday, April 09, 2009

PD - Chapter 4 : the endless friendship!!!

last nite sgt best!! so bile bdn dh penat, tdo mmg xsedar ape la kn. memasing confident je tdo. tetibe org resort call soh check out! sbb org lain dh tgu nk masuk. hambik ko, sume kelam kabut! mndi, kemas2 barang n pearl g setelkn pasal check out. dlm kol 2 lbh kteorg grak balik kl. otw balik tu singgah kedai makan dlu, isi perut. so this is it, the end of our journey to PD!

memasing ngah lapor!

million thanks to all, especially zeety (the bride), pearl the mastermind, my angel nani, sebab korang sudi ajak aku. ye ar, aku kn xkenal ngan dak2 lain. even zetty pn xpenah jpe b4 diz. but, u guys meant a lot to me!! korang xpenah lpe kt aku. true frens are really hard to find, but having u guys in my life, aku th aku ade membe2 yg syg kt aku!!

to my buddy- wan, sweet kapel- wani n meme, thankz sbb sudi ambik aku n sory if nyusahkn korang! aku jnji, once aku dh ade kete, aku akn g ambk korang lak n kte lepak smpi lebam! hehehehe

last but not least, to others, wani, zarin, aqim, alis, n few names i cant mention, hehehe, korang mmg sgt2 happening, gempak, cool n best!! aku br 1st time jpe n kenal korang, tp korang lyn aku mcm kte dh lame kenal dowh!! dats da best part!!